Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Browned Butter Oatmeal with Bananas

Pin It  At our house, weekday breakfast generally consists of a smoothie made from yogurt and fruit. We seldom have time to linger over our coffee, engage in polite conversation, or spend time cooking up morning treats.  So, we take our smoothies to go in stainless mugs.  And most of the time we pick up our coffee at the office.

But, things are different on the weekend.  At our humble abode, weekend mornings are slow and somewhat lazy.  They are days when we have time to enjoy long walks around the dewy neighborhood, piping hot cups of cabin coffee, fat newspapers, and deliciously indulgent breakfasts.  Sometimes that means sitting down to a full plate of eggs, sausages and toast. Other times, it means enjoying something as simple as a steeping hot bowl of deliciously filling oatmeal. 

This oatmeal is ideal for just that sort of weekend morning – when you have a bit of time to let the oatmeal cook while you spend your time putting on a pot of coffee and watching butter turn from a delicious golden to a nutty brown.  

You’ll love the way the sweetness of the bananas play off of the nutty oats and complement the deep caramel tones of browned butter and brown sugar.  It’s the sort of breakfast that brings together the heartiness of stick-to-your-ribs grains with a subtle sweetness that makes breakfast feel like a treat.  

And, on the weekend, what more can you really ask for?

Browned Butter Oatmeal with Bananas

You can find this recipe, along with plenty of other mouthwatering dishes, on  Seriously -- you should check it out.  So. Much. Good. Food. 

©BURP! Where Food Happens


  1. I don't know about you, but I could use a nice, leisurely breakfast right about now. Seriously, I could eat eggs, toast and sausage any time of day. BTW, I love your spoons :)

  2. I love browned butter!!! What a fun idea to add it to your oatmeal:-) Take care, Terra

  3. My early morning breakfast is pretty lame. I just pour my oatmeal,coffee and chocolate powder in the cup and pour some hot water. Now I'm inspired to throw some banana's in there. Going to make some now. I hope those rubbish from bananas are properly thrown in the garbage.


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