This week, we happened to have Swiss chard (locally grown from our co-op) and mustard greens (from our CSA) on hand. And last night was a particularly uninspired cooking night. Dinner time was approaching (OK, it was WELL BEYOND dinner time), and I was getting a bit frazzled.
So, I let simplicity take over. I brought a pot of whole wheat pasta to the boil. And I started to throw ingredients into a skillet -- a dash of olive oil, a few cloves of crushed chopped garlic, a pinch of red pepper flakes, a splash of white wine, and about a pound and a half of greens.
Less than twenty minutes and a few shavings of good parmesan cheese later, we were satiating ourselves with big bowls of pasta & greens.

©BURP! Where Food Happens
Looks great. And you are can create great meals with few ingrdients.